Episode 176: A letter to the loved ones.

I'm entering the portal with Ezira is following me from behind. The Paradise City, the city for the people who have ascended from the Orion. As I thought, the city is not actually a city, but it's another planet in space. I'm standing in the middle of a vast garden of flowers with a cool breeze that is very comforting and relaxing. Butterflies with different wing's colors flying above us. I can see so many NPCs are picking flowers and playing with the deers, cats, and dogs.

Ezira is walking past me and then approaches the NPCs, she sits next to them and the NPCs are surprised to see her here. They immediately bow their heads down and then looks at Ezira with huge smiles on their faces. It's so peaceful in here and by the looks of their expressions, they're all so blissful to live in this place. It seems that these NPCs really have no idea about the threat that happened below them.