Episode 194: Invitation.

It's morning and I'm on the balcony drinking a cup of hot coffee and smoking while enjoying the morning sunlight and breeze. I have heard about Kingstar and the others mentors, and they should have become a disciple by now and doing their disciple quests. I haven't heard their reaction about what I did yesterday, and I hope they're not going to hunt me down for that since it will be a pain in the ass. I also heard about The Wanderers or the Fallen Heroes from Ivonna, and that's quite interesting that there are so many heroes that live and do whatever they want. What interest me more is that Aspen is going to find those Wanderers and become one of their disciples, I have no idea what kind of quests he would receive since Ivonna said those Wanderers are not really good people.

Someone is sliding the balcony door, I look back and it's Ivonna. She looks at me and waves at me, she then sits next to me.

"Good morning, Trev."