Episode 206: Big guys.

Rodwane is so happy that he can't stop smiling while looking at Jariel.

"You're alive?!"

Jariel scoffs while smirking.

"Who said that I'm dead? Do I look dead to you?"

King Crafnell is gritting his teeth and then pointing his fingers at all of us.

"Kill them all!"

All the subjects are charging toward Rodwane for some reason, and I think they know the real threat in the future is not us, but Rodwane. I swing my chained sickles at one of them, but that guy manages to blocks it and repels my sickles like it's nothing. I'm surprised and a bit shocked because his level is just 750, but his stats are way higher than his level. I wonder if he's originally that strong or is it because of the effect from [Heart of Alucard].