Episode 209: Fit to rule.

We both are looking at the pile of dead bodies burning, Ivonna then looks away because of how real it is and she can't handle it. Ivonna decides to go back to the throne room to see King Crafnell and Rodwane since we have been gone for quite a while. I also want to go back as soon as possible but I have to make sure that all of these turn to ashes since I don't want to leave any evidence whatsoever.

The fire is gone and there's nothing left but clothes and armors in there. I toss all the equipment into the sea and let the ashes blow in the wind. I check it one more time to make sure nothing is left on the ground, and then I go back inside to the portal.

I look at Ivonna is standing next to the portal while looking at King Crafnell and Rodwane. Ivonna looks at me and she raises her eyebrows.

"They're still talking. I wonder what they're talking about."

I shrug and then Ivonna tilts her head.