[300 PS Bonus chapter]Episode 219: The fall of an Empire. (1)

Diamond and Lothair are looking at their clan members that can open a portal. Diamond is pointing his finger at the citizens of the Eluna Empire.

"Open a portal for them and bring them out from the capital city! We are going to fight Trevor and Krestan, so this will make a lot of mess! Hurry up!"

Lothair is also ordering his members to do the same thing, and they're all running away to escort all the citizens from the capital city. As they both order their clan members, the rest of the players are already charging toward Trevor and Krestan. They thought that they have become stronger than back then, and they're confident with themselves that they forgot the terror and the pain they had when they fought Trevor, but that confidence is gone in less than a second when Trevor swings his scythe towards them and their screens turn black and white.