Episode 223: Prevented the chaos.

I'm walking around and remembering where the Palace building is, and then I find debris that used to be a wall around the palace. I keep walking and look around because I need to secure the Legendary weapons, armors, and accessories that the Emperor keep them safe in his secret chamber. I don't want some players to accidentally find them and loot them, so I need to take them before they do and I will give them to Diamond and Lothair so they can give them back to the future Emperor.

I'm busy looting the equipment while thinking about what just happened. I now realize that Aspen and Aksevel are working together and Aksevel should be the one who recorded the video when I was fighting with Aspen. I never expect those two to work together, but I guess the enemy of my enemy is Aspen's ally now, and since I'm thinking about that, it's easier for them both to gather the players to go against me.