Episode 238: Brother and sister-in arms.

We are all standing on the side of the Oasis and everyone is waiting for Ivonna's command while they're preparing their equipment. Ivonna is looking at her inventory and she's a bit confused because she has so many sets of equipment and she doesn't know which one she wants to you in this situation, and when everyone is ready, Ivonna grabs the equipment that she sees fits for the situation and then she stands on the edge.

Ivonna looks at everyone and nods.

"Let's go."

We are all dive down into the water and swim to the middle of the Oasis. The current is sucking us and we are getting sucked into the water tunnel.

I get out from the water and put back on my equipment and the others as well. Kingstar and Queenstar with his commanders are walking toward Alessandro and Sigryd, he looks at the others as well.