Episode 242: Suspended.

Ivonna is running towards with everyone following behind her, she looks so happy that I survived the swarm. I wave at them and lay down on the ground while catching my breath because I'm so nervous and it was tense, I look at Azrael and rub his neck to make myself calm a bit. Everyone is standing around me and I raise my eyebrows and raise my hand while clenching it.

"I made it."

Lothair shakes his head while chuckling with disbelief.

"You one crazy motherf*cker... how did you manage to survive that swarm of monster?"

I laugh and shake my head.

"I honestly don't know, and I was lucky enough to survive in there. I have 1 chance left as well and I thought I'm going to be sent to the outside because one of the Cursed Souls was about to grab my face with its hand."

Kingstar is offering his hands and looks at me.

"We are glad that you survived."

I raise my eyebrows and nod then grab his hand. I look at him while standing up.