Episode 249: The Lost Dynasty, Mauron Empire. (5)

In just 15 minutes, the Keeper of Time already destroyed one-third of the buildings on the northeast side of the area, and if he keeps doing that, there's no way for me to get a good hiding spot anymore. 30 minutes left, I have 30 minutes left to keep him occupied and make him stay on this side of the area. I look around and he's been quite busy thanks to Azrael in his specter form to distract him away from me, and while he's busy I take the opportunity to move stealthily to the east and look at the buildings and the terrains.

Azrael is back in his world, now I'm on my own again but I have prepared so much stuff around me to use to distract him. I look through the window and see him wandering around the northeast area, it seems that he's starting to get pissed that he hasn't found anyone yet. I will let him be for now and let him waste his time rampaging the buildings over there.

"Where are you, little rat!"