Episode 267: A promised land. (End of Volume.3)

After the execution, Ivonna is following King Gervase and King Rodwane to the Kings' hall where all the rulers of the Alliance Kingdoms are gathering while I'm staying with Avriel because I want to check on her since she has been acting so strangely ever since she couldn't execute Crafnell. Avriel is hiding in a dark alley and leaning on the wall while staring at nothing, I approach her and lean on the wall in front of her. She's staring at me and she only shows me her blank expression, I don't know what's going on with her but I have a feeling it has something to do with Crafnell's children that might remind her of herself with Jariel when she was still a child.

I sigh and look at her.

"What are you thinking right now?"

Avriel is comforting herself by crossing her arms and tilting her head.