Episode 271: Strongest players.

Me and my dad are looking at Ruscheller and the others slashing and cutting the Hecatomb Arachnes like paper, all those players at the frontline are staring at them speechlessly. I hear footsteps are running from behind me, I see a group of players run past me and I remember their faces, they're the clan leader and commanders from Aven's clan, the woman is running behind the clan leader while pointing at Queen Arachne.

"Kyle, remember to not hit Queen Arachne on accident because Maine Cassair is already aggroing the Assail Arachne, and we don't want to mess up this opportunity."

The guy that the woman called him Kyle replies while nodding his head with understanding.

"Don't worry, Cecil, I won't. Let's go!"

They're running toward the Garrison Arachne and start attacking it, I hear other footsteps coming from behind me and this time it's Aven and the others, Aven Pat's my back while pointing at Succor Arachne.