Episode 274: Grisell D'Aca.

Aven is looking at his inventory and sighing while clicking his tongue, he crosses his arms and then scratches his eyebrow. Ilvia looks at him while furrowing her forehead because she's starting to get annoyed by his sighing and clicking tongue.

"What's wrong, Aven? You have been doing that ever since we came here."

We are looking at Aven and then he's pointing at his screen with his hand while shrugging.

"Well, it's because my weapon shattered and I don't have anything else to replace. Even if there's one it's not the same and I don't want it, the sword that I used already has a lot of enchantment and has been upgraded to some extent that's impossible for me to create it again. I feel so stupid using my weapon to fight that subject, and now I have nothing to use."

Chris is looking at him and leaning on the chair.