Episode 281: Making a move.

Ivonna is doing a live stream on her computer since she hasn't live streamed for quite a long time. I watch the TV with Emma and William while Chelsea is putting on her earphone and humming a song that she's listening on her phone. Suddenly Emma changes the channel and switches it to a fashion channel because she's interested in fashion ever since Chelsea is staying here with us, both William and I are just glaring at her uninterested. Suddenly Emma is gasping while pointing at the TV, the three of us are startled and look at the TV. Jessica is being interviewed by the host and the three of us are listening to the interview.

The interviewer is smiling while reading the piece of paper in her hand.

"Miss Jessica, this question isn't related to your business or career but I heard you have been enjoying the game that you're playing right now. I heard that you didn't attend so many events because of the game, is that true?"

Jessica is laughing and shaking her head.