Episode 287: Worse than I thought.

Emma and Chelsea are running toward me, they both are readying their weapon while staring. They both stand beside me while staring at Kalitzar that has become Alucard, Kalitzar stops scratching his back and starts to chuckle mischievously. The sound of his bones breaking is a pain in our ears, he keeps chuckling but behind those chuckles, we all can hear he's groaning in pain as if there are two different people in that body. A black bone wing comes out from his back and followed by blood splattering on the ground, his laughter, and screams of agony are enough to apply fear toward all the players, Emma is gulping and looking at me with concern.

"What is that thing? Is that Kalitzar's true form or something like that?"

I shake my head.

"No, that thing is something that I don't even know can exist in the game. I mean, I know about that thing, but I never met that thing before."

Chelsea is looking at me while furrowing her forehead.