Episode 292: After rain comes sunshine.

Ivonna is staring at me with disbelief and she seems speechless because I told her that she just met with Heugron. She grabs my hand so tightly and points at the note she wrote during her prayer experience, she wants me to read it for her. I look at it and tilt my head, and I can't understand that language as well but I know this is an ancient language, it's the language that the Betelgeuse made to communicate with the creatures that the Belegeuse created. I use my [Understanding] skill and I can read what it says, but I don't want to tell her that for a specific reason.

"It's in an ancient language, and I can translate it to you but I don't want to."

Ivonna is looking at me and pouting.

"Then, is there anyone who can translate it for me?"

I look at her and nod.