Episode 310: An existence that will live forever.

We are staring at the map or Orion that has been discovered by me on the huge screen on the wall. Everyone is looking for the volcanos that have been discovered, they're all surprised to see that I have uncovered most of the area around the three sovereignties and the area beyond that. There are three volcanos that exist around the three sovereignties, the Zerkhil's Volcano, Singrave Volcano, and Argenser Volcano. Three of them are so far from each other but thankfully Ivonna realized that the Zerkhil's Volcano isn't the place where the NPC lives.

"It will take us a few days to reach Singrave Volcano from the Eluna Empire and it will take us another few days if we go to Argenser Volcano from there but I'm not sure if it's faster that way or just goes back to the Aarus Empire to go to Argenser Volcano."

Kingstar is staring at the map and shakes his head.

"No, it will be faster if you go straight to Argenser Volcano from Singrave Volcano."