Episode 323: Like a nuclear reactor.

I'm chilling in the throne room with Avriel and Krestan until Kingstar and the others are barging into the room with their pissed expression.

Kingstar is looking at Boschwell while pointing his finger at him.

"I told you, it would happen if we let our guard down even once!"

Boschwell is nodding in agreement.

"I know! I was handling other matters at that time and I couldn't even pay enough attention to them. I'm sorry, okay?"

Queenstar is grabbing Kingstar's shoulder.

"Don't be mad at him, Schneider, it was nobody's fault."

I have no idea what they're talking about and then Ivonna approaches me while the rest of them are still arguing about something.

I look at her while furrowing my forehead.

"What happened?"

Ivonna leans on the armrest of the throne, she's crossing her arms while staring at them.