Episode 333: The Second Invasion. (3)

The Segregate guild is approaching and Ivonna is clenching her hands while raising her shield to cover her body. She turns her head and looks at Avriel who's standing still with her face hidden beneath her mask and ragged crimson cloak.

"Avriel, what's your plan?"

Avriel looks at Ivonna and tilts her head.

"My plan? I will go strike to the enemy's backline since that's usually where they keep their secret, then I will go from there to the front."

Ivonna nods with understanding.

"Okay, I like that plan. Is there anything you don't want us to do?"

Avriel chuckles and walks past her.

"There's none, but now that I think about it..."

Avriel turns around and looks at Ivonna.

"Don't get in my way, I will do my own way on dealing things so stay away from me and my men."

Ivonna just smirks and scoffs at Avriel.