Episode 337: The Second Invasion. (7)

"How can this be happening?!"

Kingstar and the others are standing on top of the second wall while watching the players are getting massacred by 3 monsters that. They already know about what happened from Grisell and she was also the one who woke them up. 

The first wall is now abandoned and those who are still on and in the first wall are now left behind and there will be no one will come to help them. They decide to take the initiative to get some information about those unbelievably strong monsters. So far, they only know that those monsters are weak against ice and water element but only a high tire spell or elements arrows that are able to do any damage to them.

Kingstar is clenching his fists while staring at those players trying so hard to hit those monsters while at the same time the rest of the monsters are climbing up the wall. Sooner or later, the first wall will be occupied by those monsters.

"Destroy the bridges."