Episode 342: The Second Invasion. (12)

Kingstar is looking at Boschwell and Liu wrapping their waist with a rope and he looks worried that the plan might fail but since it has been decided, he can't do anything but watch. He looks the other way and sees Diamond and the others are also wrapping the rope on their waist, everyone looks so nervous but at the same time they have no other option bring Letrax down if it's not now.

Boschwell and the others are putting their armor and weapon in the inventory to avoid their items might get dropped during their suicide mission. They don't have anything on them only wearing their tunics and leather boots.

Kingstar looks at Letrax is still getting bombarded by boulders and bolts while Saintess Aria is still holding the barrier up. The premature monster is trying to fly to block the bolts and boulders, but it can't use its arms and wings properly because it patched to each other.

Boschwell is taking a deep breath and exhaling deeply.