Episode 354: Kill or not?

"What's wrong with her? She's just standing there and staring at us."

Ivonna and the others are staring at Letrax who's looking in their direction while floating a few inches above the sand. That alone is enough to tell that Letrax isn't going to fight them anymore which is quite weird and suspicious. Queenstar is tilting her head and raising her eyebrows while staring at Letrax.

"Do you think that she's going to use her ultimate skill like how Shazjae did back then? We should defeat her now or we will regret it."

Everyone nods in agreement and readies their weapon to fight Letrax, but then Trevor lands in front of them and gets off of Azrael's back. Trevor approaches them while shaking his head as if he knows what everyone is planning to do.

"I don't think it's necessary anymore."

Ivonna is raising her eyebrows while putting down her shield and lance.

"Why is that? Do you know something?"