Episode 362: Take the risk?

"An omnipotent being? Is that like a god or something like that?"

Ezira is slowly shaking her head while staring at the corpse.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, that being is controlling and threatening those monsters from the other worlds. If I'm right, those who invade the Orion and the Land of Sigrid made some kind of pact with that thing. One of the consequences of telling the truth might be losing their lives."

Ezira turns around and tilts her head toward the portal.

"Let's go back and I will tell the rest."

I nod with understanding and then we both enter the portal.

Vezolan is leading the discussion and telling everyone about the latest information they have about those otherworldly beings. Vezolan says that the next wave might be sooner than they expected and he wants everyone to be prepared. They have lost so many heroes from the past years and the legendary heroes don't want another one to fall during the wave.