Episode 368: Fortune favor the brave.

"Master Trevor? How can I help you today? It's been a while since your last visit to the holy temple, but why did you come here in the middle of the night? Is there a reason why you have to pay a visit to the holy temple this late?"

I jump down from Azrael's back and walk toward her.

"Yes, it is and the reason why I came here is that I have bad news for everyone who lives in the holy temple."

Saintess Aria is putting her hands on her chest while the Archbishops and the priestesses behind them are looking at each other with concern.

"What is happening, Master Trevor? Is something coming toward us again?"

I shake my head while pulling down the hoodie from my head.

"Not exactly, but do you remember the army who came to the site while we were fighting Letrax? Those guys are going to strike the three sovereignties and we don't know how are they going to do that, but they're going to do it soon."