Episode 371: The god that sent by the emperor.

Kingstar removed his helmet and put it on the table while he brushed his hair.

"What's the situation in the Alliance Kingdom right now? I heard both Chelsea and Emma annihilated the Segregate guild on their own."

Queenstar put her legs on the table while she lazily leaned on the chair.

"Yeah, the Alliance Kingdoms managed to push back the enemy for tonight. Now that the sun is almost up, they won't have another chance to make a move on them. It's our time to make a move as well since we have been doing nothing since last night."

Kingstar hummed while he stretched his head because of staying up all night. Queenstar stood up and approached him while she gently massaged his shoulder.

"You should get some rest, Schneid, we still have a few hours before the sun is up."

Kingstar nodded and grabbed his helmet then walked toward the sofa, but then a Royal Knight came into the room.

"Master Kingstar!"