Episode 375: What they believe about Betelgeuse.

I'm sitting on the window's frame while staring at nothing outside the inn because of my conversation with Krestan. We both are still speechless and think about the possibility of the speculation that the Gods and Goddesses are originally not from Orion. I know very little about their origins, but one thing that I know is that they were made by Betelgeuse. Honestly, I have no idea what or who is Betelgeuse, it's something I would put aside and left it there but when Betelgeuse is being mentioned, I can't stop but think about it.

I look at Krestan who's laying down on the bed while he's staring at the ceiling.

"Do you know what's Betelgeuse, Krestan?"

Krestan is scoffing while keep staring at the ceiling.

"Wow, isn't that too deep to start a conversation?"

I furrow my forehead while leaning on the window's frame.

"What? You don't know what or who Betelgeuse is?"

Krestan is shaking his head.