Episode 387: Avriel vs. Ivonna.

"There's still no sign of Estian and his subordinates?"

I look at Kingstar who still can't accept that he was defeated by them then Boschwell approaches him while putting his hand on Kingstar's shoulder.

"They're gone, we couldn't find them and we have asked the members of the Segregate guild that stayed but none of them know where Estian is at."

Kingstar slams his hands on the table while the rest of us just stare at him, but then Queenstar sighs while massaging her forehead.

"Schneid, why are you angry about it? We have been searching for them for a whole week in real-time. There's no sign of them, which means they're not here, it's impossible for them to hide with Avriel's skill, but even she couldn't find them. What else do you want? We can't waste our time on finding them while we can just move on and progress our expedition."

Liu is nodding in agreement.