Episode 389: Shadow follows the light.

Avriel is staring at Saintess Aria while she's furrowing her forehead.

"What makes you think that I want to be here, especially with you around me?"

Saintess Aria looks at Avriel while raising her eyebrows.

"Miss Avriel, you might not realize this but you are currently in a position where your life is at stake because of the power that resides inside you. If you think you will be fine on your own, then sooner or later you will be dead in no time."

Avriel scoffs.

"Is that a threat?"

Saintess Aria walks away from Avriel while keeping her eyes on her.

"Yes, and I am planning to get rid of you, Miss Avriel."

I look at Saintess Aria with a mild shock expression, then Avriel gets off of the table and glares at Saintess Aria furiously.