
We are watching the highlights of the tournament in each region, and we are watching the Supremacist clan dominating the EU Central region. The moment the tournament began, in less than half a day they had already taken the castle and there were no contenders that can even get close to the highland. They were defending the highland on the lower ground and that proved they were dominating the tournament.

A total of 5.7 million members dominated the tournament was something that's enough to give all of us a chill down the spine because of how many of them were and how they annihilated millions of players. The worst part is that they participated in the 3 days of open qualifiers and they're the record holder for the longest clan who holds the castle in BZM.

Chelsea raises her eyebrows while she's exhaling deeply.

"Jesus, this guy really went all out for this tournament, huh?"

Francesca drinks her soda and watches the highlights.