Side Story: Adam and Eve of a New Age

Lost in my own world, and still being a victim of life's unfairness and it's very unique ability to screw someone over, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Safe to say I jumped even higher than a cat that had it's tail set on fire. I got off the bed and turned to see who had touched me, only to calm down when I noticed that for all intents and purposes, the girl in front of me was blind. There was hardly people left alive in the archipelago, and those that are….tend to keep away from each other.

"Sorry for startling you, but I heard you crying. I know things might seem really hard and bleak right now, but you can't give up. Take me for example, until a few hours ago I could see perfectly well, and then they injured my eyes during the surgery, I can't ever see again, but you don't see me crying about it do you?"