
Like with humans, over the years werewolves have adapted to be able to live either as outliers coexisting with humans while not having their existence noticed or coexisting among humans and choosing to not transform into their werewolf form except for on rare occasions and in an area where no human would notice them.

Since werewolves have assimilated so well with humans, many rumors and legends have spread about them, most of which are falsifications or embellishments of the truth. Of course, very few werewolves have ever attempted to step forward to dispel these rumors and embellishments as it would amount to the same thing as declaration as either being a werewolf or having known one.

As humans are creatures that struggle to accept those that are different from them, even among their own kind, werewolves have always done their best to avoid being discovered and prefer to keep to themselves to avoid a possible war or assault on packs. Some believe also that having myths and rumors in place that cause people to fear werewolves is better for them in the long run as it will make sure people remain in fear of them and not attempt to seek them out or hunt them down while others would prefer if people's fears were not so irrational as it would make coexisting that much easier.

This book is about Apryl Dark, eldest daughter of the alpha of the Dark Mountain pack and how she finds her mate. This book will be a love story, but different from traditional werewolf stories in the sense that there's no predetermined mate. Other differences will be explained as the story moves along.