Student Body President

"Chester! What a pleasant surprise seeing you here today." Keith greeted him with a slightly more enthusiasm than he had previous friends he had talked to. Was it because this person was a werewolf?

Unlike Apryl, he didn't seem at all intimidated by the imposing aura the other gave off. In fact it was almost like it had no impact on him at all.

Chester stood at least a good half foot taller than Keith. His black hair was styled in what appeared to be a more messy version of a pompadour. His brown eyes held a cold look to the edges that complimented his sharp cheek bones and his lips which were drawn into a thin line. He was dressed in a dark dress jacket and white shirt with a tie paired with dark blue jeans that had two pants chains. One was just for decoration and the other was attached to his wallet that was in in the right pocket of his jeans. On his right hand were three rings all of which had a different symbol of a wolf on them. One which couldn't be seen from the outside but had the quote 'call of the wild' inscribed on the inside of it. On his left hand there was only one ring which looked to be some type of modified promise ring.

Keith did his best to place himself in between the two as he attempted to draw the other's attention away from Apryl and onto himself, but Chester was too fixated to know who she was to care that Keith was trying to get his attention.

"Is she one of the new students that is coming in this year?" Chester asked. The deep and rough baritone of his voice matched the way that he looked, the only thing that didn't was the fact that he spoke much softer than Apryl had expected him to.

"That's correct she just moved here recently and I was helping her to get everything together." Keith replied as he held up the backpack as proof to the other.

"And you were planning on telling me about this when?" Chester asked, glancing at other, his voice held a bit of a sharp edge to it, but Keith didn't seem fazed by this.

"Next time we met of course. It isn't like she has been here that long yet or anything. Besides, this is the first time I have seen you in the last few weeks. Plus you're only the self-declared alpha of this campus. It's not like anyone actually has to listen to what you say." Keith patted the other's arm as he spoke.

Apryl didn't miss him saying 'self-declared alpha', did that mean this person expected other werewolves on the campus to report and listen to him? If that was the case, she suddenly felt like she wasn't going to like it much here.

"Plus if you keep that attitude up, you're going to end up scaring her off. We don't get many female werewolves who are willing to come to university. Even you know that." It wasn't something that Chester could argue with, rarely did female werewolves decide to come to college. Most of the time they felt that it would just a waste since they'd end up having pups sooner or later and thus wouldn't have enough time to balance everything.

"If she gets scared off without me even doing anything to her, maybe she shouldn't be at college anyways. Humans can be much more frightening than a werewolf when they want to be." Chester pointed as she continued to keep his gaze fixed on Apryl.

"I would argue that that's only true if we know that they aren't one of us. Otherwise, a one of us is more dangerous because we're the only ones who can sense each other and have the ability to easily let them know we're here if they wanted to." Apryl's voice cutting into the conversation caught him off guard but only for a brief second before he spoke again.

"So you're saying that you think that they are to be trusted more than your own kind then?" That wasn't what she had meant at all, but she could tell by the more defensive posture that his stance took, he thought that what she had meant.

"No, I don't trust them more than my own. I am just simply saying if you're talking about who is more dangerous to us, I think another of my own over them as long as we're like this are more dangerous than we are." She retorted. Apryl's frustration over his attitude was starting to affect her more than her nervousness over the situation that she had found herself in.

"Now, now. Let us not argue on our first meeting. It will only end up makings more awkward for later. Besides, don't you have some place you need to be Chester? You always seem bust with some meeting or other these days." Keith told the other as he motioned for Apryl to let the situation be. Chester made a noise of annoyance before he looked down at the watch on his right arm.

"I do have someplace that I need to be right now. I have a meeting I can't be late for starting in ten minutes. That doesn't mean this conversation is over however." He told her Apryl as he fixed her with a meaningful look. She chose to say anything in return before he began to walk away.

"He doesn't seem like he's a particularly friendly person." Apryl commented once she was certain he was far enough away that he wouldn't end up hearing what she said.

"Oh, that's just how Chester is. He doesn't mean anything by it. He's just kept his werewolf attitude while in human form. It works well for him as it makes sure people keep away. However, not many of the werewolves around here feel that comfortable around him either because of it. There's one who usually does hang around him, but they are just as busy as he is so it isn't that often they're together much anymore." Keith replied as they resumed the walk back to the admin building.

"Is he a student here as well?" Apryl was pretty sure that she already knew what the answer to that question was but wanted to confirm it anyways.

"Yes he is. Actually, he's the president over the student body. A lot of people actually respect him for that position." Keith mused as though he had just remembered that fact.

"A werewolf actually made it to such a high position in a university without getting noticed?" Apryl clarified, somehow not being able to believe that such a thing is true.

"Yep. Although it really isn't that surprising as it might seem for him to have been able to accomplish that. Honestly, as long as we stay in this type of form, we can pretty much do everything that we want to that they do." He replied.

"To be fair though. He tends to be on a bit more of the violent side a lot of times. He didn't make it as far as he did in college or becoming student body president by being which is the approach I would've taken. Part of it is out of respect for all the hard work he does and the other part is because he has gotten into a number of physical fights with people he doesn't get along with and thus, he's also been able to gain some fame through that method."

"I don't like people much more than he does either, but I don't think getting into fights is the way to answer whatever problems exist." Apryl replied.

"For some people it works, especially when there are a lot of other outside problems that they are dealing with. It helps them release the pent up anger before it comes out in an other even less controlled method than the one someone like Chester chooses." Keith shrugged it off because he had been used to dealing with the other for so long that it didn't bother him anymore. It wasn't like Chester was going to end up hurting him either. They were actually fairly good friends.

"Enough of that though for now. We need to get back focused on getting you finished enrolled and everything. You'll get a chance to meet Chester again at another point in time." Apryl wasn't certain that she wanted another chance to meet him again. One time had been enough for her for the near future as far as she was concerned.