
Keith once again found it hard to focus while he was at work. There were a number of different things on his mind. Thankfully, he was only one shift at the lab with one other girl who liked to keep to herself most of the time.

The tasks that he had to perform were fairly monotonous and repetitive so he didn't have to put his full attention on what he was doing. He just need to make sure that all the lab animals were taken care of, the temperature was set right for the bacteria and other things that he wasn't quite sure they were cultivating would be good for the night, clean up, and then also double check that the computers were running the way they should and locked up before they left so nothing happened with the data that they were going over.

Apryl had texted him earlier to let him know that Oreo had agreed to the move which he figured meant that she had also informed Callum who in return would tell Chester if she didn't text him herself. The only thing left to figure out after that would be what day to move on.

Thinking back to the argument that he had with Chester, he knew that he was probably being too stubborn about not trusting the person that the other werewolf that the other wanted to contact even though it sounded like they had been working with humans for quite some time to sort out some type of deal or other to keep both groups safe and cohabitating without anything getting out.

In reality, it would be an easy way to deal with Brian considering he knew the kind of trouble that the other could cause. The problem that Keith couldn't get over though was that everything that had happened to his family was because Brian had sold them out to humans in the past to save his own hide and then disappeared off the face of the other or so he thought after everything became chaotic.

Considering he was present he was present when everything took place, he could step forward as a credible witness who to testify against the other werewolf if the situation came to that, but it would also mean opening up old wounds not just for him, but for those who were left behind after everything happened. A lot whom he was certain wouldn't want to have to relive what happened again by supporting his claims.

In his mind, it was too much of a headache to deal with rather than just waiting for the right opportunity to deal with the other their way without humans getting involved. He couldn't risk anything getting set off around Apryl's family though and even though it had been years ago, he wasn't certain what Brian would do if he felt like he was threatened.

He couldn't imagine though that the other werewolf didn't already have some sort of contingency plan in place the moment that he found out that not only did he live so close but that he was friends with Apryl as well.

For that reason alone, Keith had to maintain whatever unspoken truce was going on between them since there was too much to risk at the current moment in time. Once Apryl's family got moved and if he ever saw the other away from humans or somewhere unfamiliar, he knew that he wouldn't resist the opportunity to have at Brian. No amount of time he had would heal the wounds he experienced because of the other nor take away the burning hate that he felt for the other werewolf.

"Earth to Keith, you have been spacing out for a few minutes now." Keith hadn't realized how lost he had gotten in his thoughts until, Cathy, the girl that he was on the shift with waved her hand in front of his face so that he could see the computer screen he had been working on anymore.

"Sorry, what were you say?" He offered her a smile in apology for spacing out. Now he was going to have to go back through and make sure that he didn't mess up anything that he was working on.

"I was trying to ask if you wanted dinner? I was thinking about order pizza since we have a few hours left, but if you're not planning on eating- I'll get something else." She explained as she looked him over as though trying to figure out what was going on with him. Keith hardly ever spaced out at work or at least let others catch onto the fact that he had.

"Pizza sounds great if you're getting the usual. Sorry, I'm a bit more tired than usual today, I'll make sure not let that happen again." He told her before he turned back around so that he could focus on what he was doing while she ordered the food. He could tell though even with this back turned that the other was still looking at him as though she didn't think that something was quite right.

If he didn't need the additional money or hours, he wouldn't have accepted the extra shift so that he could take time off to think about everything that was on his mind, but he couldn't afford that right now.

The other part that he still needed to figure out but hadn't come to a conclusion about was what his feelings towards Apryl were and whether or not it was possible for her to feel the same way.

At first after he found out about her being related to Brian through marriage, his feelings about her had briefly changed because he immediately assumed that she must've known who he was and what he had done if they were family.

However, once he realized that wasn't the case and it made sense that Brian wouldn't easily bring that up to anyone as it most likely would result in problems, his uncertain feelings for the female werewolf shifted again though he still wasn't thrilled about the fact that she was related to Brian.

They were two different people though and Apryl was obviously far more honorable and nowhere near as cutthroat, sneaky, or untrustworthy as he was. Still, it was going to take him a while to sort out his feelings and figure out what to do with them before he brought them up to her which wouldn't happen until after everything with her family had been sorted out either. He would have to push those things to the back of his mind for now as well as he needed to be able to focus on the tasks that he was currently doing at hand.