Is That important Right Now

"What?" Apryl's look told Chester that she hadn't been expecting the question that he had suddenly asked her. 

"I'm asking if you have feeling for Keith or not." He repeated as he took the empty seat next to Callum. The other was slightly nervous that the taller werewolf seemed to have caught on to something quicker than he had expected him to. 

"I'm not really sure nor am I quite sure why you're suddenly asking about this?" She gave him a perplexed look.

"I'm asking because when you bumped into me the other day his scent was all over you. More than it usually was." Chester explained as he crossed his arm. 

"So I'm asking if you have feelings for him and if there is something going on between the two of you." He repeated for the third time. He was an impatient werewolf who didn't like to beat around the bush when there was something that he wanted to do.