Justify My Love


            Taki answered Ellis's stupid question. I followed Ellis when he went out of the room and we encountered the twins. Then, the twins decided to join us for a walk as we all followed Ellis out of the hotel and we reached a small lake where we all sat down near the bank and relaxed just for a while. Then, Ellis asked if Taki had pot. 

            "But do you smoke?" Ellis followed up.

            "I don't," Taki grinned.

            Ellis turned to Taka. "Do you smoke?"

            "Pot?" Taka confirmed.

            "Yeah," Ellis said.

            Taka shook his head. "Nope."

            "But do you smoke, in general?" Ellis clarified.

            "I don't," Taka grinned as well. 

            "You twins… You're so confusing," Ellis grunted. 

            "It's easy to tell. I'm pansexual. Taka's straight," Taki said.