
[Trick's PoV]


Every groan made by Janardan pierces my ear. Karo seemed to be enjoying this psychological torture she's doing to the poor Indian. It's totally terrifying, and I couldn't even tell how much it would be to Janardan.

The soul continued to speak. "So, yeah, you raped your sister… and it started when she was twelve… She didn't even have her first period yet, but you made her bleed… and told her it's normal… Luckily for you, you learned how to delete memories at a very young age, so you deleted the memory of piercing your penis to her vagina, so not even your parents would notice… And you did it several times when you're bored… When you're horny… When you're stressed… And no one would even notice…" 

"Stop!" Janardan hit his head on the ring and her forehead bled. 

"I'll make it easy for you," Karo said as she pointed her wand to Janardan's body. "Aegrumicta!"