Confronting the demon 2

Alex holds miko's and Shiro's hands while William holds Miko's other hand and Lilli's. Lilli has Shiro's hand making a complete circle. Alex and William guide them into Miko's consciousness . The demon is coiled around her as if she is in a cocoon. Alex grabs the demon's head while William grabs its tail. The demon awakens thrashing about.

"How dare you! Enter here she is mine. She disobeyed. Be gone you have no place here. " the demon hisses.

"We have come to release her from you. She was not at fault for her child dying. It was just an accident. Why did you choose her?" Alex asks the demon.

"I chose her because she never wanted children she was selfish and only wanted wealth and freedom. Then when the child was gone she dared to cry. She deserves to suffer for her selfishness." Hissing and twisting about trying to free himself from them. William places the fluorite against the demons body as he trashed about. The skin where it touched burns . Looking at Alex William shows him. Alex keeping the demons attention while William uncoils him from Miko.

"So you believe that because she wanted to have something for herself as well as being a mom was selfish. Well let me tell you about mothers. They give everything to their children and often times sacrifice more than they should. I know my mom does, if they did not have a little selfishness and keep something for themselves then they would grow to hate the very people they love. Mothers do everything for their family, not just cook and clean they are the emotional support of the family. They stay awake until all are home and safe. They worry and pray over the least little hurt. They give until there is nothing left. I've seen Miko's memories she loved her child. I know Shiro's memories she loved him beyond measure. Mothers are not perfect and sometimes they can make mistakes. They are harder on themselves when they make mistakes than anyone else. Without them most families would not survive. Miko loved that child more than her own life just as she does her other two children. She was preparing the place on the shore for him to eat and rest when he took a step to far. It was not out of malice that she was not watching but because she was trying to take care of what he would need. You must let her go ." Alex places his hand behind the neck of the demon. Locking its jaw open placing the fluorite stone in his mouth. The demon roars with anger pulling his full body up towering over Alex and William. It strikes at Alex burning his hand with his venom. William sends a beam of light hitting the demon knocking him away from Alex. Miko is freed from the demon slumping to the floor. Lilli and Shiro go to Miko's side. Shiro pulls her into his arms rocking her as a child.

"Mother you are free , I am here and will not leave you. I know My brothers death was an accident it was not your fault." Shiro's voice is choked with tears. Feeling her deep sadness overwhelms him. He can only cry and hold her close.

Alex seeing Miko in Shiro's arms grabs William's hand and the two of them send a beam of pure light through the fluorite stone in Williams's hand. The light connects to the stone inside of the demon. Burning it from the inside out. When the last piece of flesh is burned the demon disappears completely. Leaving Miko's consciousness they are beside her bed. The four pull healing energy through her body burning the last remnants of the demon. Morrigan appears smiling at them.

"You did well I will put her back as she was before Lilli froze time. She will be as if the demon never existed. Though others will remember her sadness she will not. " Morrigan waves her hand and they are back in the living room in their places. It is dark outside now and Lilli worries how to explain the lost time. Morrigan seeing her face smiles and snaps her fingers. Time moves back to when they started. Winking at them she shimmers away. Lilli breaks the spell and everyone is awake.

Miko looks at Yona and asks.

"I hope you will stay for dinner, I would like to make you a nice home cooked meal." Smiling brightly at everyone in the room, she gets up and starts fussing about getting dinnner ready. The brothers look after her with happiness shinny on their faces. It has been months since Miko has interacted with anyone and now it is as if she has awakened from a deep sleep.

"May I help you? I help my mother and Aunts at home . I love to learn new things. I would like to learn what Shiro likes." Lilli gets up and follows Miko into the kitchen.

Yona knows that they had something To do with the change in Miko. Looking at the boys he notices the burn on Alex's hand. Scowling at him Yona let's him know that they will have a talk back at their house.

Akio smiles when he hears the laughter of his wife coming from the kitchen.

"I do not know what caused my wife to change but I am happy that she is enjoying your nieces company. I hope she will visit often as it seems to bring her joy. " Akio walks to the doorway watching his wife show Lilli how to cut the vegetables for dinner.