Akio is surprised

Miko is anxious over Shiro riding. In the past she has not let let Shiro do anything dangerous. To afraid that he would be hurt she has always kept him from outside sports. Akio tries to console her by assuring her that he is healthy and strong. They watch as Lili hits every target as she rides the course . Surprised that such a young girl can ride a horse while shooting a long bow. Yona smiles with pride as the three complete the course quickly. Shiro rides out onto the field . Lilli notices that he is not sitting properly and could fall. Whistling shrilly to cause the horse to stop. Striding over to him.

"You are going to fall if you sit like that. Get down let me show you how to properly sit." Lilli gets Shiro off the horse and shows him the best way to sit.

"You must use proper posture or you will be off balance when you pull the bow. Also if you are in a fight if you sit that way it will be easy to be unseated. You need to be one with your horse. He needs to trust you as you do him. Have you ever ridden bare back?" Lilli asks Shiro.

"No of course not, it has never been an option ." Shiro tells her. Lilli jumps down a takes the saddle off. Placing only a light blanket on the horses back. Shiro looks at her like she has lost her mind. Alex smirks and whispers.

"He is about to see her wild side, Lilli is completely unmatched bare back." Alex smiles as William nods quietly.

Tapping the horses leg to signal it to bow Lilli climbs up. Putting her hand out for Shiro to climb on with her. Once he is on with her the horse stands back upright. Lilli clicks her tongue and the horse takes off in a full run. Having the bare flesh except for the thin blanket is different than with a saddle. You feel every motion of the horses muscles and have to use your leg muscles more to stay balanced. Feeling the power of the horses movement Shiro begins to understand what she meant. Surprised when she stops dead in the field he slid forward into her shoulder.

"You see what I mean, if your posture had been correct you would not have moved when I stopped. I am going to get off and you are going to ride alone. Use your leg strength to control the horse. If you want him to veer right the use more pressure with your right leg . When you are shooting with a bow you won't be able to use the reigns . Sit squarely and keep your back straight. Allow yourself to flow with the horse not against him. " Lilli smiles up at him as he clicks his tongue to get him to move. Watching him move slowly at first Miko wrings her hands wondering if she should make him stop.

"You can do this, you used to ride centuries ago it's not that hard. You just can't act as if you know what you are doing yet. Just don't be a total failure at it. " Shiro tells himself, reminding himself he is not supposed to be good at riding . That was why he sat the way he did so that Akio would not be to suspicious over him suddenly knowing how to ride well. Acting slightly clumsy Shiro's performance of being unskilled is convincing. By the afternoon Miko is calm seeing him ride and not be hurt. While Akio is proud of his son not falling off or being to timid. Lilli opens her mind to Shiro's so the can share a few thoughts privately.

"You know how to ride , I know that the Shiro from before did not. You did well hiding your skills today. Next time if the parents don't come you can show me your true skills." Lilli asks him.

"I would be honored, I am really an expert horseman, my skill with a bow is not bad either. I just can't improve over night or else father will become suspicious. If that happens then I will not be able to fulfill my promise. I have to have them believe completely that I am their son." Shiro tells Lilli . Lilli can hear the sadness even in his thoughts. He did not become Shiro selfishly. He sacrificed who he really was to make it possible for this family not to feel pain. For the real Shiro to be reborn and have a healthy happy life.

"I know that it has not been easy for you and that times you probably would like your old life back. Remember that we are here for you to be your true self whenever you need to be. That these lessons are a cover for your real lessons. They will start when your family trusts us enough to let you be alone with us. When that time comes you will see I mean" Lilli looks at Shiro's parents . They are smiling and waving at him. Seeing him accomplish his lessons today made them happy and proud but she can sense that they are not ready to leave him with her family yet. When the time comes then his true lessons will begin.

Taking the horses back to their stables Lilli and the boys brush them and feed them. Yona watches as they show Shiro what to do.

"I can see why my brother is impressed with your children. They are very accomplished." Akio tells Yona .

"They are only because of how they were raised. I'm not sure what you know of our family. I am a Cherokee and their mothers are of Cherokee and European blood. My peoples ways have began to vanish in modern times. It is our family's way of giving our children the best of our peoples values and traditions. By teaching them in the old ways , our hope is to keep our traditions alive and give them the abilities to survive in any situation . They learn from the time they are born traditional ways. Then when they go to school they start learning modern ways. When they get to be adults it's becomes their choice which they will follow. The skills they learn will be with them for life. " Yona speaks while watching the children. Letting his pride in them speak for him. Akio thinks about what Yona said and can relate to it. His family came from samurai warriors. Those traditions in many ways have been forgotten over time. Seeing his son learn from this family whose warrior ways does not seem to different. Maybe by letting him learn from them he will connect with his distant past. Deciding to let him learn from Yona.

"I see now that my fears for my son was unfounded. I will let him train with your children. Maybe we can find them a traditional Japanese teacher as well. One that does not have objections to girls who can fight. "Akio smiles at Yona while agreeing with letting Shiro's training to begin. Letting out a long breath of relief Yona thanks Akio for his trust.

On the way home Yona tells the children that Akio has agreed to let Shiro train with them. He also tells them that Jiro has been trying to get Akio to go back to work. That once that happens and Shiro is with them more often alone. That his true training can begin. That it's important that he learns the full extent of his powers and that he knows how to use them. Yona also knows that the man from the temple is a hunter. He saw how he was with Lilli . They need to ensure that Shiro is able to defend himself and protect Lilli .