When Aisling and Maureen return home they begin preparations for a family outing to England. Aisling calls Remi while Maureen fills Moll, Inola, and Onacona in on the details. Deciding that it would be better to have all opinions on the matter, they send out celestial invites to everyone to dinner. Astila is excited since it's been a while since the entire family has been together. Morrigan invites Aria and Shiro to do the planning in West Virginia out of any one's radar. Once everyone arrives, Aria is in shock that the family is big, but the pure energy is nearly overwhelming. She almost feels like she is back in the celestial plane again from the massive energy. Seeing Legeia, Aria runs to greet her old friend. Shiro races to greet Lilli and the others happily.
"Yo, bro I'm glad to see you; I hear we are visiting on the weekend. I hope you can introduce us to some pretty girls. " Alex quips when Shiro goes to take Lilli's hand. Shiro smirks at him and hits him in the back of the head.
"I haven't paid much attention to the girls at school. I haven't been there long enough to make any friends yet. Should you be looking at girls when Kiki is waiting for you? I would hate for you to get beaten up by a girl." Shiro's eyes glint with mockery at Alex.
"Ya, we are just friends though. I think William may like Kiki. You know if he does, I cannot step on my bro's territory. We are too close for that. " Alex tells Shiro.
"If that's the case, then you can look when you visit. I have my sights on only one girl." Shiro tells the while squeezing Lilli's hand a little tighter.
"Yuk, you guys are so sweet it's sickening." Lotus makes a gagging sound. Lilli giggles because when they were younger, lotus and Shiro became quite close and she was jealous. It wasn't until lotus told her that she kissed Shiro, and it was like kissing a brother. Then she knew her sister would never like him in the way of a lover that they could only be friends. Aisling calls everyone for grace before dinner is served. Aria is surprised that the family all gathered and held hands to give thanks, including the immortal ones. It was a sight for her to see immortals and mortals holding hands, giving praise and thanks to the father for not just the food but for each other. Her entire being began to warm and glow from the gratitude and love pouring out. Her energy began to flow throughout all in the circle. Before long, they all were lifted off the ground in a ball of warm light. All connected. Shiro, without realizing it, hetransformed into his original human form. Everyone except those who knew gasped in surprise. When Aria opened her eyes, and they landed back on the ground, everyone was staring at Shiro. Lilli's eyes filled with tears as she whispered.
"It is you; you are the one I have dreamed of my entire life. You are my destined love. " Lilli launches herself into his arms, and before Shiro can stop her, she takes his mouth with hers and kisses him deeply. Unable to stop himself, Shiro kisses her back, their tongues meeting and mating. Shiro's tails come out and completely cover them as if in a cocoon. They are oblivious to anyone outside. Nested inside Shiro's arms, Lilli sighs contently, kissing him softly as if she can't get enough.
"I'm sorry I could not reveal myself before. I will explain all to you when we are truly alone. It is still too soon for us to be this intimate. You are not of the age of choosing yet. " Shiro whispers to Lilli. Closing his eyes, he shifts back into Shiro's form, retracting his tails from around them. Lilli looks shyly at her mom and dad, wondering if they are upset. Aisling giggles and hugs her daughter.
"I think we girls need to talk tonight after everyone leaves," Aisling tells Lilli.
Astila looks at Shiro with a disgruntled face.
"Son, before you head back tonight, we need to have a chat. " Astila says before sitting to eat. Everyone else bursts out laughing.
"So my brother-in-law is about to get a taste of what it's like to lose a daughter." The dude laughs as he takes a bite of food.
Inola slaps Astila on the shoulder.
"Do you need to call John for advice on how to handle this? I'm sure you had forgotten after so many years how he felt when you stole Aisling's heart." Inola winks at Moll, knowing that their Blair is not far behind Lilli in age. Not really looking forward to when she brings a boy home either. Astila scoffs at all of them.
"Hmm, I wonder which of you will handle the same situation when your girls bring home their first boyfriends. Let's see; I can see Dude ready to shoot a boy for just thinking of looking at Opal. Uncle, do you think you will be so calm when Blair enchants a boy. I think not most like you will have Moll cast a truth spell to ensure he hasn't tried anything with her. Let's see, my darling brother; how are you going to handle it when Crystal finally finds a guy she deems worthy. Then there is Randy. Are you ready for it either? Remember what goes around comes around, so think about what you all thought when you met your wives, then see how well you handle witnessing your daughter launch herself into a man's arms." Astila grumbles as he eats. Lilli turns red with embarrassment at her father's words. Alex can't contain his laughter any longer and lets out a gut-busting laugh.
"Uncle, you have known that Lilli's destined love was going to show up since she was an infant. Don't you think seventeen years is more than long enough to get used to the idea? You also have known for years that Shiro has loved her and that she has had feelings for him. Just be thankful that he turned out to be her destined love. If not, it could have gotten very ugly in a few months. At least this way, once she graduates, you can have a handfasting or a wedding." Alex pats his uncle's hand as if to pity him while grinning like a fool enjoining his discomfort. Yona glares at his son, knowing his brother is about to throw him out of his seat. Astila grins at Alex and pats his hand back.
"Yes, I know, but it doesn't mean that I am ready for it. I want them to be happy, of course, but let me see how happy you are now. " Astila hooks his leg around the leg of the chair and knocks Alex backward and onto the ground. Alex lays there in shock and stares up at the sky. Yona gets up and walks over to help his son up.
"You should have stopped while you were ahead. I gave you a warning look, but you didn't heed it. Apologize to your uncle for being so cheeky." Yona tells his son as he sits his chair upright. Alex looks at his uncle sheepishly.
"I'm sorry, uncle, for making fun of you." Alex apologies. Astila grins and ruffles his hair.
"It's ok; you gave me a safe way to vent. Love you nephew always now hush and let's eat everyone we have planning to do. Lilli, don't be embarrassed I fell in love with your mom when she was just a few years younger than you. It took me years to find her, and when I did, I never left her after that. In fact, it was only a few days after that we were handfasted together. So lucky for me, I won't need to worry about that. " Astila smiles lovingly at his wife.
"Ewww, we did not need to be reminded about it. Uncle John has told us that story so many times. Can you not look at mom that way while we are eating. " Lotus makes a gagging sound and covers her face with her hands. The table erupted in laughter. Aria looks in amazement as she sees Uzil and Legeia laugh along with the others. She had never seen them laugh or smile before. So this is what having a family is like. Aria thinks to herself, wondering if the father would allow her to have a family someday. As if knowing what she thinks, Lilli turns to her and asks.
"Miss Aria, would it be ok to call you aunt Aria? It seems silly that you are the same as our celestial family to call you anything but family. Even mana Imari doesn't mind us calling her mama or aunt. That is unless you don't wish to be our family." Lilli looks at her shyly, hoping that she has not embarrassed or offended Aria.
Aria looks at everyone around the table as they all nod in agreement with Lilli.
"I would love to be part of your family. I have felt so welcomed already. I was just wondering if the father would allow me to have a family. " Aria tears up as she says the last words. Just as she finishes, a light comes from the heavens, and the father's voice rings out.
"Ahh, my children, it's so blesses me when you all get together. Aria, I am glad you are finally home. As a reward, be prepared for your love will arrive soon, and he will be what will tie you closer to this family ." With as quickly as he came, he was gone once more.