The hunt begins

Stretching as he wakes up Shiro thinks about what he found out the night before. Wondering how he can help the girl and keep his uncle and Lilli safe. Sighing he gets up and goes down to the kitchen. Only two days till the family arrives to start their plan. Looking out into the back yard he notices Kati is working in the garden. She is switching plants out. Remembering that the kidnappers did the same thing in Washington DC .Shiro opens his mind to Aisling so she can watch Kati. Since Aisling is a farmer and gardener, she will know if the plants are in need of switching or if she is covering something. Aisling connects with Shiro and watches Kati's movements.

"Shiro she is hiding something in the garden. I will have Lilli stop time at some point so we can dig it up to see what is there. It may be something we can use to find Izeal. Good job with keeping your eyes open to even the smallest detail. See you tonight." Aisling breaks the connection as she is about to shower and get some sleep before going to Aria's house.

Shiro whistles as he leaves the house. He notices Kati's son coming out at the same time. Smiling at him in greeting Shiro walks past.

Shiro wishes he could vibe people like Alex and William. It would make things easier for him when it comes to knowing what others are thinking of doing. Keeping an eye out for the fox from last night Shiro is concerned because she is not anywhere to be seen.

Aisling and Maureen arrive at Aria's while Shiro is in class. They walk around the neighborhood while looking at Kati's house. Maureen notices that Kati has witchcraft symbols on the pillars of her porch. Nudging Aisling to look. Aisling gets her phone pretending to snap pictures of Aria and Maureen to capture the symbols for Moll to see. This way they will know what they are dealing with. Kati seeing the three ladies waves at them in greeting.

"Good afternoon Aria how is your visit with your friends going?" Kati asks looking at them suspiciously.

"It has been wonderful having them here. I am looking forward to the weekend when a few more of the family arrives. It has been so many years since they visited me. I have always gone to them in the past. My your roses are looking wonderful this year. Did you use something different on them?" Aria smiles as she makes small talk with Kati.

"I decided to use an organic fertilizer this year instead of a chemical based one. The flowers seem to enjoy it." Kati clips a few roses and hands each one. Taking them they smile at her thanking her.

"Your accent is different where are you from?" Kati asks Aisling.

"Oh we are from the mountains in America. Our grandmother was very close to Aria's before she immigrated to there. The families have stayed in close contact through the years. Though this is the first time we have been able to visit with her here in England. I hope it is one of many visits. " Aisling smiles and squeezed Aria's hand with affection to make her claim believable.

Kati nods at them in understanding. She knew that Aria would disappear at times for weeks at a time. So that must be where she went. The ladies excuse themselves from Kati and start down the street. They hear a caw from the robin and head back to the house. When they arrive the robin is sitting on the back of the chair waiting. Aria whistles and waves her hand the girl appears.

"Mistress be careful of the woman with the roses. She has been using blood magic and her flowers are grown in that blood. You must throw them out right away. They are cursed roses. They can open your home to her through having them here. She is not just a human. She is something else, I don't know what she is but it's not just human. Please be careful. " changing back into the robin she flies out of the house. Aria gets a strange look on her face and takes the roses. Opening her secret room she places them into the basin. Sprinkling some pink salt into the basin it begins to pull the blood from the roses. The blood forms into wiggling worms devouring the flowers. Aria then pours olive oil into the basin , having it coat the worms and water thickly. Aria then sets it on fire turning the worms to dust. Aria purifies the basin when it's completed. Looking at Aisling and Maureen she is confused about so many things at this point.

"How is it that I could not sense or vibe anything from her. What kind of magic does she have that I cannot see past her protections. As a light barer I should be so much more powerful than her as a mortal. I need to ask for an audience with the father to find out what is happening. If we want to fight her I need to get some answers." Aria calls for Morrigan to come.

Instead of Morrigan appearing an older man appears. He is dressed in pure white light and the energy coming from him is all encompassing. Aria kneels with a bowed head .

"Father you came , I called for Morrigan to ask for an audience. I am at a loss about the situation here. There is a woman who has knowledge of blood magic. I have lived near her for years and could not detect anything other than a pattern I noticed. Why do my powers not work with her? " Aria asks the father.

"It is because when you left the rebellion and did not return to my side your powers were cursed by Izeal. He placed it there so that you could not detect any of the fallen ones near you. I have similar protections on the family that are here with you. That is why you did not know he was so close. You will need to go through a purification to get your powers fully back. To do that you will need to return to my side. The others you have seen with this family have all gone through it . Once completed you may continue to live as you have but you will need to come when I call. Are you willing to choose a side?" The father asks Aria. Aria raises her eyes to the heavens and replies.

"Father you know that I left with the rebellion because I followed Izeal . That he had my love at the time. When I saw the evil he did I could not stay anymore. I was ashamed and could not return to you at the time. I have felt welcomed and accepted by this family, I will do as you ask." Aria places her hand in the fathers and they are taken to the celestial plane. There in the fathers personal garden is a large pool. Inside of the pool is crystal clear water mixed with ribbons of fire swirling through it. Aria is staring into the pool . There she sees all the things in the centuries that she has done. Both good and evil, feeling shame for the evil she did Aria kneels before the father.

" father forgive me of my evil doings and purify me of any desire I still have to do them. " Aria waits for the father to give her his decision. The father placed his hands on her head and whispers.

"You are forgiven my child now rise and enter the pool." The father tells her as he takes her hand helping her rise. Aria turns to the pool and enters sinking into it completely submerged.

The pool begins to swirl and bubble as the fire licks at her skin. Stripping away the corrupted flesh and replacing it with a new glorified pure skin. When Aria exits the pool her body is glowing with purified powers and energy. For the first time in many a year she can hear every thought and sense every intention. Smiling she looks at the father and bows her head in gratitude.

"Thank you father I promise to use my renewed powers for your doing. May I ask how do we defeat the woman Izeal has been using?" Aria holds her breath hoping that she has not asked to much today.

" if you can find the place Izeal is using purify it and she can no longer use it. Izeal will need to be defeated first to do that you will need to get him to come out in the open. Now he lurks in the underground bring him out to the light and with your power you can burn him to ash. Can you do that , you did love him for such a long time." The father asks Aria .

"I can, I gave up on my feelings for him a long time ago. For so long I thought it was you who took my gifts because I misused them. Now that I know it was him I can do what you ask. " Aria kneels in front of the father waiting for his blessing and to be sent back. The father grants her wish and returns her to her home. When she enters time behind again and Aisling along with Maureen begin to move again.

"Aria we will get these pictures to Moll and see what the symbols mean. Once we know we will return immediately. I hope you don't mind but I think maybe she should stay here until the others arrive. That way if she is able to see inside we are here to protect you ." Aisling opens the portal and Maureen follows her through. Aria decided to test her powers to see if they are able to detect anything now.