Legeia enters the garden to go over the plan with the celestial family before broaching the subject with the mortal one.
"I have father's permission to flood the caverns. This will hopefully wash the bodies to the surface and out. I will need help controlling the storms that will rage, though. Father says no harm is to be done. " Legeia looks at those around all having unique powers and strengths.
"I will go below ground and make sure that the bodies flow in the proper direction. The problem is that the water supply will be contaminated once the bodies are in the water. Many will get sick if they drink or use the water." Uktena tells Legeia.
"Aria and I can purify the water once the water starts to return to normal. We can purify the ground in the caverns as well. What about the souls trapped in the crystals?" Morrigan asks Legeia.