The storms is still raging outside when Imari taps Shiro's shoulder.
"My darling little fox I need you to wake up,I need to explain some things to you." Imari shakes him slightly to wake Shiro.
"Mama Imari why are you here? What is wrong?" Shiro sits up quickly looking at the goddess. She takes Shiro's hand and in a matter of seconds they are at the temple in the clouds. Looking out Shiro can see the curve of the earth in the horizon.
"Where are we?" Shiro asks turning to Imari.
"We are at our home. This is where you were born. I brought you here to ask you if you would like to come home now?" Imari asks shiro.
"Why would you ask that, what is going to happen that you are afraid . I have never known you to fear anything." Shiro looks at Imari for the first time in all of his life he sees fear in her beautiful eyes. Imari reaches out her hand to him.