Capturing Izeal

Legeia has the rain starting to slow as the time to capture Izeal gets closer.

"Izeal and Kati are on their way." the beetle and mouse have sent out the alerts to their masters.

Lilli and Shiro are awakened to Morrigan softly calling them.

"My darlings it's time to awaken Izeal is making a move. I'm sorry to interrupt your first day together but it's urgent. Lilli I need you to get ready to freeze time it's going to need to be a world wide freeze. Here this will bring Gabriel and Michael to help you . They are the fathers personal angels. They will hold the time still when it's time for you to step into your next role. "Morrigan hands Lilli a small whistle it's looks similar to the sirens horn but it's crystal. Seeing Lilli look closely at the whistle,