Finding the second spirit

Shiro wakes startled looking around. He hears someone whispering his name. Looking over at a sleeping Lilli he leans down and kisses her before slipping out of bed. Hearing the call of his name Shiro's follows the sound out of the room. It continues to call till he is outside in the Forrest. There by the trail to the stream is a small boy crying.

"Can you help me I need to find my brother?" The boy asks.

Shiro's kneels beside the boy

"Who is your brother ?" Shiro asks him.

"He wasn't born when I died, I was drowned when a man dragged me under water. My mom was pregnant with him at that time. The man wanted to take my brother before he was born. He said he needed him to live. I told him no and tried to warn my mom. That is when he pulled me under the water. Can you help me find him. "The boy asks.

"Who is your mom ? If we find her then we can find your brother? Shiro tells the boy.

"My mom is Miko Kaji , we live near Tokyo. "