Watching the girl beg with tears running down her face is breaking Aisling's heart. Astila has to hold his wife's hand tightly to keep her from running to the girl's aid. Miko has her face buried in Akio's chest to stop from seeing what is happening. How can a father do this to his child? What kind of man leaves his dead wife in a house without care. The woman grabs the girl and drags her inside the shack. The boy is taken to a small room not attached to the house. The drunkard walks past them as if he cannot see anyone standing there. They follow him to see where he is going. The drunkard returns to the bar just to be thrown back out. They notice the man who was with the rich man from before is watching as well. Aisling looks up at Astila her eyes red from crying.
"The man who paid his bill was that Kitori?" Aisling asks Astila.