Hiroto is sitting in the office looking at the computer screen. He is researching the caves they are going to explore. Crystal comes in to bring him a snack but he doesn't even notice her. Slipping out of the office Crystal is a little dejected that Hiroto never noticed her going in. Jiro sees her in the hallway and gives her a pinch on her cheek.
"Don't pout he is always like that when he is researching a cave. If he gets distracted he worries that he will miss something. When he was around twelve him and some friends went into a cave that they knew nothing about. They were missing for nearly four days. Mumbling about swirling black clouds and a mermaid that sang them to sleep. I used to think he was crazy until I met your family. Now I think anything is possible. Though since that time he has never gone into a cave unprepared." Jiro tells Crystal. Crystal begins to laugh.