Ghost 6 appears2

Reaching the grotto of the elder Aisling is reluctant to leave the pool. Legeia laughs as she reaches out her hand to Aisling.

"Don't worry you will change back as soon as you get back into the pool. Come let's go find the elder." Legeia helps Aisling out of the pool and they follow the others deeper into the labyrinth. They walk for a short distance when they see a glittering chamber. Aisling is taken back by the rainbow of gems scattered about in both raw and beautifully cut states. In the center of the chamber is a bed with a curtain of diamond-looking stones.

"Elder Zehara the goddess has come to talk to you." The siren leader tells her

The curtain is pulled back and a woman with white flowing hair with cinnamon-colored skin her eyes the color of the sea stands to greet her.

"Mother what brings you to my home," Zehara asks as she hugs Legeia.

"I need some information about a wreck. I see you still like all things glittery my darling child." Legeia hugs her back smiling.