New friends

Shiro looks out across the beach towards the flashing lights coming from beneath the surface of the water. He knows that the elders are fighting something. Relief washed over him that Lilli is safe on the shore beside him. Lilli looks anxious at the storm brewing from the fighting. 

"Do you think we should have stayed to help?" Lilli asks nervously. 

"No mother said for us to leave, I'm sure she has back up. If we disobey and something happened then it would be our fault. " Zehara tells them trying to fight the urge to go back to help. The ground shakes under their feet nearly knocking them down. After awhile everything is calm. Zehara sees the dolphins flipping in the air signaling that all is well. Zehara goes to the edge waiting to see if her mother is coming. Hearing the woosh of a portal opening Zehara sees her mother along with the other elders. 

"Mother your ok? I was so anxious." Zehara rushes and hugs Legeia.