Meeting the old witch 2

Everyone is dressed snd ready for the party. Upon walking into the plaza Lilli is breathless at how pretty everything is. It's like a fairytale. The trees are lit up with twinkle lights giving the illusion of fireflies each table has a large crystal arrangement with candles and Cala lillies and roses. It seems more like a wedding than a birthday party. Lilli notices the girl who did her hair. She is sitting near the old witch . Nudging Moll to point her out. Moll wonders if what they saw in the mirror was a memory that the girl was projecting. Either way they need to get the hair back. Uzil notices the witch as well and nudged Lucian. 

"brother that's her." Uzil tells him telepathically. The woman's head popped up and looked around. Uzil wonders if she was able to hear him. He decides to test his theory.