Wedding day 2

Seth takes the grooms party to the waterfall and then goes back to the house for the bride. Miko walks over to Hiroto and begins pinning the flower on his lapel that is for him. 

"My uou look handsome today. I like how they made everything to reflect both Japanese and American cultures. Though I don't know where the shamrocks and edelweiss comes from." Miko tells him as she finishes. 

"They are from our Irish traditions. They are symbols of luck prosperity and eternal love. Just like the claddagh ring that they will exchange. There are a mixture of traditions. In ancient times a bride from Ireland would have worn blue. Now they carry or wear something blue. Carrying the bride over the threshold is a German tradition. The wedding blanket is a native tradition. We try to honor all the different aspects of the ancestors. I will try to explain each as they come up though most of the guest already know." John tells Miko .