Lilli wakes early to watch the sunrise on her new balcony. She hears a noise coming from inside her room.
"Babe I'm outside watching the sunrise. Come join me we can see it together." Lilli calls out to Shiro. She listens foe him to respond but only hears a thump. Panic hit her quick , thinking that something has happened. That possibility another spirit has arrived to cause problems. Racing inside the room she sees Luxe trying to pull herself up by the bedside stand.
"Woya ,Mama are you down stairs?" She calls out no one answers. Connecting mentally with her mother Lilli calls out panicking.
"Mama are you in my house? Luxe is in our room here at the new house?" Lilli calls loudly waking Aisling from her sleep . Hearing the panic in Lilli's telepathic message Aisling wakes Astila and they rush to Luxe's room not seeing her there. They peak inside Woya's room . Woya and Uzil are still sleeping.